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Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (55): 21-29, 31/12/2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1513161


Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender as experiências do brincar a partir de um grupo de crianças e seus educadores, em uma Comunidade de Aprendizagem, situada no Distrito Federal (DF). Como fundamentação teórica e metodológica, recorre-se, principalmente, aos estudos psicanalíticos de Freud e de Winnicott. A pesquisa de campo consistiu em dois dias de observação participante; quatro oficinas de rabiscos com uma turma de crianças - com idades entre oito e 12 anos - e sua educadora; e uma roda de conversa com educadores. A ênfase é dada, neste texto, nas vivências da segunda oficina e em trechos da roda de conversa, explorando a capacidade de criar e de brincar com as palavras. Com isso, foi possível ressaltar a importância de um brincar criativo e espontâneo nas relações humanas. A conclusão é que este brincar não se restringe à infância, por se tratar de uma experiência própria ao humano, sendo necessário que os espaços escolares e comunitários estejam abertos à sua manifestação e ampliação. (AU)

This article aims to understand the experiences of playing from a group of children and their educators, in a Learning Community, located in the Federal District (DF). As a theoretical and methodological basis, we use mainly the psychoanalytical studies of Freud and Winnicott. The field research consisted of two days of participant observation; four doodling workshops with a class of children - aged eight to 12 years old - and their educator; and a conversation circle with educators. The emphasis is, in this text, on the experiences of the second workshop and excerpts of the conversation circle, exploring the ability to create and play with words. With this, it was possible to highlight the importance of creative and spontaneous playing in human relations. The conclusion is that playing is not restricted to childhood, as it is an experience specific to humans, and that school and community spaces must be open to its manifestation and expansion. (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender las experiencias de juego de un grupo de niños y sus educadores, en una Comunidad de Aprendizaje, ubicada en el Distrito Federal (DF). Como base teórica y metodológica, utilizamos principalmente los estudios psicoanalíticos de Freud y de Winnicott. La investigación de campo consistió en dos días de observación participante; cuatro talleres de garabatos con una clase de niños - de ocho a 12 años - y su educador; y un círculo de conversación con educadores. Se da énfasis, en este texto, en las experiencias del segundo taller y extractos del círculo de conversación, explorando la capacidad de crear y jugar con palabras. Con ello se pudo destacar la importancia del juego creativo y espontáneo en las relaciones humanas. La conclusión es que este juego no se limita a la infancia, ya que consiste en una experiencia propia del ser humano, y que los espacios escolares y comunitarios deben estar abiertos a su manifestación y expansión. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ludoterapia , Psicanálise , Educação , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Recreação , Criatividade
Fractal rev. psicol ; 32(3): 269-276, set.-dez. 2020. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1154254


O tema investigado é o brincar como experiência criativa na psicanálise com crianças, partindo das contribuições freudianas e aprofundando os conceitos winnicottianos, sobretudo em relação ao brincar: uma noção que vai além do modo de expressão característico das crianças, relacionado à continuidade do ser. O objetivo é refletir essa temática, considerando o brincar como fenômeno transicional e experiência criativa própria à expansão do self. Duas vinhetas clínicas são trazidas, a fim de ilustrar as construções teóricas da psicanálise com crianças, do brincar, do jogo do rabisco e da melodia como fenômeno transicional. A título de conclusão, recorremos a uma série televisiva canadense, Anne with an "E", para refletir sobre a vida de uma adolescente que foi adotada por uma família que conseguiu ser um ambiente suficientemente bom. Assim como nas sessões analíticas, entendemos que é preciso haver uma disponibilidade para brincar, bem como um encontro frutífero entre as pessoas para que elas possam concretizar seu potencial criativo.(AU)

This study focuses on the play as a creative experience in psychoanalysis with children, from Freudian contributions and deepening in Winnicott's concepts, especially in relation to playing: an assumption that goes beyond the typical way children usually express themselves, regarding the continuity of the self. The objective is to reflect upon this theme, considering playing as a transitional phenomenon and creative experience peculiar to the expansion of the self. Two clinical vignettes are introduced, to illustrate the theoretical constructions of psychoanalysis with children, of playing, of the scribble game and of the melody as a transitional phenomenon. In conclusion, we used a Canadian television series, Anne with an "E", as a reference and inspiration to reflect upon the life of a teenager who was adopted by a family that managed to provide the young girl a suitable environment. Just as in the analytical sessions, we understand that there must be a willingness to play, as well as a fruitful meeting between people so that they can achieve their creative potential.(AU)

Humanos , Jogos e Brinquedos , Psicanálise , Criança
Polymers (Basel) ; 13(1)2020 Dec 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33383641


High energy demand, competitive fuel prices and the need for environmentally friendly processes have led to the constant development of the alcohol industry. Pervaporation is seen as a separation process, with low energy consumption, which has a high potential for application in the fermentation and dehydration of ethanol. This work presents the experimental ethanol recovery by pervaporation and the semi-empirical model of partial fluxes. Total permeate fluxes between 15.6-68.6 mol m-2 h-1 (289-1565 g m-2 h-1), separation factor between 3.4-6.4 and ethanol molar fraction between 16-171 mM (4-35 wt%) were obtained using ethanol feed concentrations between 4-37 mM (1-9 wt%), temperature between 34-50 ∘C and commercial polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane. From the experimental data a semi-empirical model describing the behavior of partial-permeate fluxes was developed considering the effect of both the temperature and the composition of the feed, and the behavior of the apparent activation energy. Therefore, the model obtained shows a modified Arrhenius-type behavior that calculates with high precision the partial-permeate fluxes. Furthermore, the versatility of the model was demonstrated in process such as ethanol recovery and both ethanol and butanol dehydration.

TRIEB ; 18(1/2): 185-195, 2019.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-72386


O artigo constata mudanças nos processos subjetivos e na experiência coletiva das pessoas que apontam tanto para sofrimentos de fundo depressivo quanto para novas formas mais horizontalizadas de fazer política. Seu propósito é contribuir para a articulação do campo analítico com o fazer político atual. Para tal, privilegia o pensamento de Winnicott, mais particularmente suas noções de self e espaço potencial. Conclui que a psicanálise e o campo político podem se encontrar quando possibilitam viver experiências nas quais exista ação humana que nos encaixa socialmente e produz cultura.(AU)

The article notes changes in the subjective processes and in the collective experience of people that point to both depressive background pain and new, more horizontal forms of politics. Its purpose is to contribute to the articulation of the analytical field with the current political practices. For this, it privileges Winnicott’s thinking, more particularly his notions of self and of potential space. It concludes that psychoanalysis and the political field can be found when they allow to live experiences in which there is human action that socially embeds us and produces culture.(AU)

El artículo muestra cambios en los procesos subjetivos y en la experiencia colectiva de las personas que señalan tanto el dolor de fondo depresivo como las nuevas formas de política más horizontales. Su finalidad es contribuir a la articulación del campo analítico con la práctica política actual. Por esto, privilegia el pensamiento de Winnicott, más particularmente sus nociones de self y de espacio potencial. Se concluye que el psicoanálisis y lo campo político pueden encontrarse cuando permiten vivir experiencias en las que hay acción humana que nos inserta socialmente y produce cultura.(AU)

Cad. psicanal. (Rio J., 1980) ; 39(37): 53-64, jul.-dez. 2017.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-71221


Este trabalho busca extrair do campo psicanalítico, a sua dimensão política. Isto é feito a partir,especialmente, dos argumentos de dois filósofos de referência nos debates contemporâneos sobre o tema: Axel Honneth e Judith Butler. Ele se engaja, também, mais diretamente com a literatura psicanalítica e as repercussões do debate no Brasil. Tendo a psicanálise como eixo norteador e frente à aspiração de novas formas mais horizontalizadas de fazer política hoje, o texto procura subsídios, mais especificamente, na noção de “reconhecimento identitário”, do primeiro teórico, e na de “despossessão de si”, da segunda pensadora.(AU)

This paper aims to bring out of the psychoanalytic field its political dimension. This is done considering especially the arguments of two central philosophers that take part in contemporary debates on the theme: Axel Honneth and Judith Butler. It also engages more directly with the psychoanalytic literature and the repercussions of the debate in Brazil. Having psychoanalysis as a steering element and facing the new, more horizontal forms of doing politics, the paper looks for subsidies in the notions of “identitary recognition” of the former author, and of “self-dispossession” of thelatter.(AU)

Humanos , Psicanálise
Psicol. esc. educ ; 20(2): 329-338, mai.-ago. 2016.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-71172


O presente artigo propõe uma abordagem comparativa entre as noções de infância em Jean Piaget e de infantil em Sigmund Freud, tomando como conceitos básicos a noção de tempo e de moral em ambos os autores. Sustenta-se ser possível afirmar, a partir de uma leitura da epistemologia genética, que a infância vai-se transformando à medida que agimos e conhecemos de acordo com estruturas cognitivas operatórias. No entanto, segundo a psicanálise, é possível nos remeter ao infantil, presente também na vida adulta. O infantil escapa à racionalidade que subjaz àquela noção de estrutura piagetiana. A permanência do infantil é fonte das experiências criativas e da instauração de um movimento permanente de subjetivação.

This article proposes a comparative approach between childhood notions of Jean Piaget and infancy in Sigmund Freud, it takes as basic concepts the notion of time and moral in both authors. It claims to be possible to state, from a reading of genetic epistemology, that childhood will be transformed as we act and we know according to operative cognitive structures. However, according to psychoanalysis, it is possible to refer to infancy, also present in adulthood. The infancy escapes the rationality that underlies to that notion of Piaget's structure. The permanence of the infancy is a source of creative experiences and the establishment of a permanent movement of subjectivity.

El presente artículo propone un abordaje comparativo entre las nociones de infancia en Jean Piaget y de infantil en Sigmund Freud, tomando como conceptos básicos la noción de tiempo y de moral en ambos autores. Se sostiene ser posible afirmar, a partir de una lectura de la epistemología genética, que la infancia se va transformando a medida que actuamos y conocemos de acuerdo con estructuras cognitivas operatorias. Sin embargo, según el psicoanálisis, es posible remeternos al infantil, presente también en la vida adulta. El infantil escapa a la racionalidad que refuerza a aquella noción de estructura piagetiana. La permanencia del infantil es fuente de las experiencias creativas y de la instauración de un movimiento permanente de subjetivación.

Humanos , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Teoria Freudiana , Tempo
Psicol. esc. educ ; 20(2): 329-338, mai.-ago. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: lil-796236


O presente artigo propõe uma abordagem comparativa entre as noções de infância em Jean Piaget e de infantil em Sigmund Freud, tomando como conceitos básicos a noção de tempo e de moral em ambos os autores. Sustenta-se ser possível afirmar, a partir de uma leitura da epistemologia genética, que a infância vai-se transformando à medida que agimos e conhecemos de acordo com estruturas cognitivas operatórias. No entanto, segundo a psicanálise, é possível nos remeter ao infantil, presente também na vida adulta. O infantil escapa à racionalidade que subjaz àquela noção de estrutura piagetiana. A permanência do infantil é fonte das experiências criativas e da instauração de um movimento permanente de subjetivação.

This article proposes a comparative approach between childhood notions of Jean Piaget and infancy in Sigmund Freud, it takes as basic concepts the notion of time and moral in both authors. It claims to be possible to state, from a reading of genetic epistemology, that childhood will be transformed as we act and we know according to operative cognitive structures. However, according to psychoanalysis, it is possible to refer to infancy, also present in adulthood. The infancy escapes the rationality that underlies to that notion of Piaget's structure. The permanence of the infancy is a source of creative experiences and the establishment of a permanent movement of subjectivity.

El presente artículo propone un abordaje comparativo entre las nociones de infancia en Jean Piaget y de infantil en Sigmund Freud, tomando como conceptos básicos la noción de tiempo y de moral en ambos autores. Se sostiene ser posible afirmar, a partir de una lectura de la epistemología genética, que la infancia se va transformando a medida que actuamos y conocemos de acuerdo con estructuras cognitivas operatorias. Sin embargo, según el psicoanálisis, es posible remeternos al infantil, presente también en la vida adulta. El infantil escapa a la racionalidad que refuerza a aquella noción de estructura piagetiana. La permanencia del infantil es fuente de las experiencias creativas y de la instauración de un movimiento permanente de subjetivación.

Humanos , Tempo , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Teoria Freudiana
ScientificWorldJournal ; 2015: 501029, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25922852


Lactic acid has been shown to have the most promising application in biomaterials as poly(lactic acid). L. rhamnosus ATCC 10863 that produces L-lactic acid was used to perform the fermentation and molasses was used as substrate. A solution containing 27.6 g/L of sucrose (main composition of molasses) and 3.0 g/L of yeast extract was prepared, considering the final volume of 3,571 mL (14.0% (v/v) inoculum). Batch and fed batch fermentations were performed with temperature of 43.4°C and pH of 5.0. At the fed batch, three molasses feed were applied at 12, 24, and 36 hours. Samples were taken every two hours and the amounts of lactic acid, sucrose, glucose, and fructose were determined by HPLC. The sucrose was barely consumed at both processes; otherwise the glucose and fructose were almost entirely consumed. 16.5 g/L of lactic acid was produced at batch and 22.0 g/L at fed batch. Considering that lactic acid was produced due to the low concentration of the well consumed sugars, the final amount was considerable. The cell growth was checked and no substrate inhibition was observed. A sucrose molasses hydrolysis is suggested to better avail the molasses fermentation with this strain, surely increasing the L-lactic acid.

Ácido Láctico/biossíntese , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus/metabolismo , Técnicas de Cultura Celular por Lotes , Fermentação , Glucose/biossíntese , Sacarose/metabolismo
Cad. psicanal. (Rio J., 1980) ; 35(28): 169-181, 2013.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-59158


Este artigo parte de uma recapitulação dos principais comentários feitos por Freudrelativos à Educação e prossegue acompanhando alguns trabalhos contemporâneos sobre otema, nos quais os laços entre os dois campos – Psicanálise e Educação – são refeitos. Em seguida,o artigo apresenta um panorama da renovação que o pensamento de Winnicott nos oferecequanto a esta questão – tomando como eixo as noções de criatividade, espaço potencial e obrincar – e prossegue com breve relato de uma experiência de intervenção em uma escola, segundoa ótica da psicanálise. Nesta experiência, pode-se ter o vislumbre de um trabalho favorecedorde transformação nas potencialidades dos participantes da cena escolar em um espaço deencontro possível entre Psicanálise e Educação.

As a starting point this article intends to undertake a review of Freud’s main commentariesconcerning Education. It then proceeds by approaching some contemporary words on the subject,in which the connections between both fields - Psychoanalysis and Education - are reestablished.Subsequently the article presents an overview of the renewal proposed by Winnicott’s thinking inrelation to such questions assuming the notions of creativity, potential space and play as the mainpoint. It then briefly reports an experience of intervention in a school according to the psychoanalyticalpoint of view. Thereby we can have an initial idea of the sort of work that favors transformationin the potentiality of participants in the school scenery, in a space where the encounter betweenPsychoanalysis and Education is a possibility.

Humanos , Psicanálise , Educação
Cad. psicanál. (Rio J., 1982) ; 29(32): 209-223, 2013.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-59218


A partir da constatação de que na sociedade atual encontram-se borrados os limites que antigamente nos demarcavam com clareza, o artigo reflete sobre o conceito de fronteiriço e sua relação com o contemporâneo. Investiga o tema em Winnicott e André Green, e estabelece uma distinção entre os que convivem critica e criativamente no espaço paradoxal do “sim e não” e aqueles que se paralisam no “nem sim nem não”. Aponta ser o trabalho do analista aquele de possibilitar simbolização a partir do espaço potencial que poderá unir elementos dissociados, simbolização que não necessariamente é dificultada pelos modos de subjetivação contemporâneos.(AU)

Starting from the idea that in actual society the limits that formerly delimited us have become blurred, this article reflects on the concept of borderline and its relationship to the present time. It inquiries into that theme in Winnicott and André Green. It establishes a distinction between those who live critically and creatively within the paradoxical space of “yes and no” and those who become paralyzed in the “neither yes nor no”. It points to the work of the analyst as that which opens room for symbolization stemming from the potential space that can bring together dissociated elements, symbolization that is not necessarily made difficult by present time modes of subjectification.(AU)

Bioresour Technol ; 102(3): 2672-7, 2011 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21123049


This work presents biodiesel production from soybean oil and bioethanol by multiple-stage Ultra-Shear reactor (USR). The experiments were carried out in the following conditions: reaction time from 6 to 12 min; catalyst concentration from 0.5% to 1.5% by weight of soybean oil; ethanol: soybean oil molar ratio from 6:1 to 10:1. The experimental design was used to investigate the influence of process variables on the conversion in biodiesel. The best ethyl ester conversion obtained was 99.26 wt.%, with ethanol:soybean oil molar ratio of 6:1, catalyst concentration of 1.35% and with 12 min of reaction time.

Biocombustíveis , Técnicas de Química Combinatória/instrumentação , Técnicas de Química Combinatória/métodos , Etanol/química , Modelos Químicos , Óleo de Soja/química , Simulação por Computador
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 161(1-8): 245-54, 2010 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20221864


Biodiesel is a clean burning fuel derived from a renewable feedstock such as vegetable oil or animal fat. It is biodegradable, non-inflammable, non-toxic, and produces lesser carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and unburned hydrocarbons than petroleum-based fuel. The purpose of the present work is to present an efficient process using reactive distillation columns applied to biodiesel production. Reactive distillation is the simultaneous implementation of reaction and separation within a single unit of column. Nowadays, it is appropriately called "Intensified Process". This combined operation is especially suited for the chemical reaction limited by equilibrium constraints, since one or more of the products of the reaction are continuously separated from the reactants. This work presents the biodiesel production from soybean oil and bioethanol by reactive distillation. Different variables affect the conventional biodiesel production process such as: catalyst concentration, reaction temperature, level of agitation, ethanol/soybean oil molar ratio, reaction time, and raw material type. In this study, the experimental design was used to optimize the following process variables: the catalyst concentration (from 0.5 wt.% to 1.5 wt.%), the ethanol/soybean oil molar ratio (from 3:1 to 9:1). The reactive column reflux rate was 83 ml/min, and the reaction time was 6 min.

Biocombustíveis , Destilação/métodos , Etanol/química , Óleo de Soja/química , Animais , Reatores Biológicos , Catálise , Cromatografia/métodos , Modelos Teóricos
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 160(8): 2424-48, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19730825


In this work, mathematical modeling was employed to assess the dynamic behavior of the flash fermentation process for the production of butanol. This process consists of three interconnected units as follows: fermentor, cell retention system (tangential microfiltration), and vacuum flash vessel (responsible for the continuous recovery of butanol from the broth). Based on the study of the dynamics of the process, suitable feedback control strategies [single input/single output (SISO) and multiple input/multiple output (MIMO)] were elaborated to deal with disturbances related to the process. The regulatory control consisted of keeping sugar and/or butanol concentrations in the fermentor constant in the face of disturbances in the feed substrate concentration. Another objective was the maintenance of the proper operation of the flash tank (maintenance of the thermodynamic equilibrium of the liquid and vapor phases) considering that oscillations in the temperature in the tank are expected. The servo control consisted of changes in concentration set points. The performance of an advanced controller, the dynamic matrix control, and the classical proportional-integral controller was evaluated. Both controllers were able to regulate the operating conditions in order to accommodate the perturbations with the lowest possible alterations in the process outputs. However, the performance of the PI controller was superior because it showed quicker responses without oscillations.

Butanóis/metabolismo , Fermentação , Modelos Teóricos , Biomassa , Reatores Biológicos , Glucose/metabolismo , Termodinâmica
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 161(1-8): 227-37, 2010 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19943122


Lactic acid is an important product arising from the anaerobic fermentation of sugars. It is used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, and food industries as well as for biodegradable polymer and green solvent production. In this work, several bacterial strains were isolated from industrial ethanol fermentation, and the most efficient strain for lactic acid production was selected. The fermentation was conducted in a batch system under anaerobic conditions for 50 h at a temperature of 34 degrees C, a pH value of 5.0, and an initial sucrose concentration of 12 g/L using diluted sugarcane molasses. Throughout the process, pulses of molasses were added in order to avoid the cell growth inhibition due to high sugar concentration as well as increased lactic acid concentrations. At the end of the fermentation, about 90% of sucrose was consumed to produce lactic acid and cells. A kinetic model has been developed to simulate the batch lactic acid fermentation results. The data obtained from the fermentation were used for determining the kinetic parameters of the model. The developed model for lactic acid production, growth cell, and sugar consumption simulates the experimental data well.

Fermentação , Ácido Láctico/biossíntese , Lactobacillaceae/metabolismo , Sacarose/metabolismo , Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Microbiologia Industrial/métodos , Lactobacillaceae/classificação , Modelos Teóricos , Melaço
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 160(7): 1879-87, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19862491


Distilled glycerides are obtained through distillation of the system mono-diglycerides which is produced from the esterification reaction between a triglyceride with glycerol. In this work, monoglycerides (MG) and diglycerides (DG) are produced through lipase-catalyzed glycerolysis of soybean oil using Candida antarctica B in a solvent-free system. To separate the products of the reaction in order to obtain essentially MG and an oil of DG, it is necessary to use a suitable process in order to preserve the stability of the components and to keep the products free of inappropriate solvents. So, after 24 h of enzymatic reaction, the mixture of acylglycerols and fatty acids was distilled into a centrifugal molecular distiller, since it provides a free solvent and lower temperature environment to increase the desired product concentration. Starting from a material with 25.06% of triglycerides (TG), 46.63% of DG, 21.72% of MG, 5.38% of free fatty acids (FFA), and 1.21% of glycerol, the MG purity in the distillate stream was 80% at evaporator temperature (T (E)) equal to 250 degrees C and feed flow rate (Q) equal to 10.0 mL/min. At these conditions, the MG recovery was 35%. The material collected in the residue stream presented DG-enriched oil with TG unhydrolyzed, residual MG, and low acidity (29.83% of TG, 53.20% of DG, 15.64% of MG, and 1.33% of FFA), which is suitable to replace TG oil in the human diet.

Fracionamento Químico/métodos , Diglicerídeos/biossíntese , Diglicerídeos/isolamento & purificação , Glicerol/metabolismo , Lipase/metabolismo , Monoglicerídeos/biossíntese , Monoglicerídeos/isolamento & purificação , Biocatálise , Candida/enzimologia , Centrifugação/métodos , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Diglicerídeos/química , Enzimas Imobilizadas/metabolismo , Proteínas Fúngicas , Monoglicerídeos/química , Tamanho da Partícula , Óleo de Soja/química , Óleo de Soja/metabolismo , Temperatura
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 159(2): 366-81, 2009 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19082763


In this work, the mathematical optimization of a continuous flash fermentation process for the production of biobutanol was studied. The process consists of three interconnected units, as follows: fermentor, cell-retention system (tangential microfiltration), and vacuum flash vessel (responsible for the continuous recovery of butanol from the broth). The objective of the optimization was to maximize butanol productivity for a desired substrate conversion. Two strategies were compared for the optimization of the process. In one of them, the process was represented by a deterministic model with kinetic parameters determined experimentally and, in the other, by a statistical model obtained using the factorial design technique combined with simulation. For both strategies, the problem was written as a nonlinear programming problem and was solved with the sequential quadratic programming technique. The results showed that despite the very similar solutions obtained with both strategies, the problems found with the strategy using the deterministic model, such as lack of convergence and high computational time, make the use of the optimization strategy with the statistical model, which showed to be robust and fast, more suitable for the flash fermentation process, being recommended for real-time applications coupling optimization and control.

Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Butanóis/metabolismo , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/instrumentação , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/métodos , Clostridium acetobutylicum/fisiologia , Glucose/metabolismo , Modelos Biológicos , Algoritmos , Butanóis/isolamento & purificação , Simulação por Computador , Controle de Qualidade
Aprender (Vitória Conqu.) ; 6(11): 139-153, jul.-dez. 2008.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-52774


O artigo parte da constatação de duas características presentes no cotidiano escolar hoje: a apatia e a violência banalizada. O texto busca as contribuições do pensamento de Winnicott para a educação, fundamentamente, suas noções de moralidade, criatividade e agressividade(AU)

This paper's starting point is the verification of the existence of two characteristics in today's school life: the apathy and the banal violence. The paper refers to the contributions of Winnicott to education, primarily his notions of morality, creativity, and aggressiveness(AU)

Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 146(1-3): 165-72, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18421596


Five lipases were screened (Thermomyces lanuginosus free and immobilized forms, Candida antarctica B, Candida rugosa, Aspergillus niger, and Rhizomucor miehei) to study their ability to produce monoglycerides (MG) and diglycerides (DG) through enzymatic glycerolysis of soybean oil. Lipase from C. antarctica was further studied to verify the enzyme load (wt% of oil mass), the molar ratio glycerol/oil, and the water content (wt% of glycerol) on the glycerolysis reaction. The best DG and MG productions were in the range 45-48% and 28-30% (w/w, based on the total oil), respectively. Using immobilized lipases, the amount of free fatty acids (FFA) produced was about 5%. However, the amount of FFA produced when using free lipases, with 3.5% extra water in the system, is equivalent to the MG yield, about 23%. The extra water content provides a competition between hydrolysis and glycerolysis reactions, increasing the FFA production.

Diglicerídeos/química , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados/química , Proteínas Fúngicas/química , Glicerol/química , Lipase/química , Monoglicerídeos/química , Óleo de Soja/química , Ativação Enzimática , Estabilidade Enzimática , Enzimas Imobilizadas/química , Solventes/química , Especificidade por Substrato
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 148(1-3): 141-9, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18418747


In this work, the phase equilibrium of binary mixtures for bioethanol production by continuous extractive process was studied. The process is composed of four interlinked units: fermentor, centrifuge, cell treatment unit, and flash vessel (ethanol-congener separation unit). A proposal for modeling the vapor-liquid equilibrium in binary mixtures found in the flash vessel has been considered. This approach uses the Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state, with original and modified molecular parameters. The congeners considered were acetic acid, acetaldehyde, furfural, methanol, and 1-pentanol. The results show that the introduction of new molecular parameters r and q in the UNIFAC model gives more accurate predictions for the concentration of the congener in the gas phase for binary and ternary systems.

Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/métodos , Etanol/metabolismo , Modelos Biológicos , Leveduras/metabolismo , Simulação por Computador , Controle de Qualidade , Termodinâmica
Appl Biochem Biotechnol ; 148(1-3): 163-73, 2008 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18418749


In this work, a systematic method to support the building of bioprocess models through the use of different optimization techniques is presented. The method was applied to a tower bioreactor for bioethanol production with immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Specifically, a step-by-step procedure to the estimation problem is proposed. As the first step, the potential of global searching of real-coded genetic algorithm (RGA) was applied for simultaneous estimation of the parameters. Subsequently, the most significant parameters were identified using the Placket-Burman (PB) design. Finally, the quasi-Newton algorithm (QN) was used for optimization of the most significant parameters, near the global optimum region, as the initial values were already determined by the RGA global-searching algorithm. The results have shown that the performance of the estimation procedure applied in a deterministic detailed model to describe the experimental data is improved using the proposed method (RGA-PB-QN) in comparison with a model whose parameters were only optimized by RGA.

Algoritmos , Reatores Biológicos/microbiologia , Técnicas de Cultura de Células/métodos , Etanol/metabolismo , Modelos Biológicos , Pectinas/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Simulação por Computador , Cinética